Elite+ Membership
Daily Zen: Realising potential by integrating applied meditation into every aspect of life
Whether you're familiar with applied meditation or just starting out, you will find it's true power is unlocked when you are able to integrate "zen" into your everyday life.
Elite+ is about supporting our members to apply the zen principles to everyday activities, as well as during stressful or high-demand situations.
It's about connecting like-minded people in a community that goes beyond personal gain - into the realms of unified experiences and shared learning.
Each week, members will be invited to a live-chat session of Zen Streettalk with Al Close. He will often be joined by guests including household name sporting personalities, wellbeing experts and interesting persons of all walks of life.
You will also receive a weekly Inspirations update including audio and video to teach and inspire you plus advice on finding and maintaining your personal Zen, every day.
Members will be part of a private online community for sharing stories, and connecting personally with Al for advice.
Elite+ members also receive priority updates about new MBX programs, two-for-one tickets to all MBX and Al Close events and the ability to access and download ALL MBX programs from the website for no cost.
Joining Elite+ is only $7.50 per month, with no set term.